自2015年起,304am永利集团官网和马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachusetts Lowell)洛威尔分校曼宁商学院、印度KLE理工大学工程技术学院建立了良好的合作关系,开展定期交流活动,已经成功举办了8期。
l英语水平证明(CET4/ 6或IELTS、TOEFL成绩单复印件均可)
15380848861 孙锦婷
15295527702 王斯琦
项目时间:2019年6月3日-2019年6月15日 地点:三牌楼校区MBA中心 项目内容:参与学生来自中国、美国、印度等国家,大家合作完成教学、实践性课程(当地企业家讲座、美国印度教授讲课、指导团队作业、案例分析、参观当地企业)。 授课交流语言:英语 自己承担费用:650元人民币(包括专家讲课费、茶歇、点心、饮料等); 限制:仅限304am永利集团官网15-18级本科生、16-18级研究生、海外教育学院管理专业留学生(含研究生)、贝尔英才学院文科专业15-18级本科生。 提醒: 304am永利集团官网承担了大部分费用,所有中国学生上课仅仅自负很小比例,一日三餐食宿需自理,如果有食宿方面特殊要求的,可自行承担成本进行安排。 |
项目时间:2019年7月6日-2019年7月22日 南京出发时间:7月5日 离开波士顿时间:7月23日 项目内容:参与学生来自中国、美国、印度、圭亚那、泰国、日本等国家,大家合作完成教学、实践性课程(当地企业家讲座、演讲、辩论、案例分析、参观当地企业)。 授课交流语言:英语 304am永利集团官网承担费用:南京—波士顿往返交通费用 自己承担费用:波士顿学习期间的食宿费、学费共1800美元;签证费及代办费约300美元。 限制:限304am永利集团官网15-18级本科生、16-18级研究生申请 提醒: 往返美国波士顿的机票费用需要自己先垫付购买,返回南京后由学院报销; 如果有意向申请的同学,无论是否最终申请成功,请提前办好中国护照。(特别是户口不在江苏省的同学,手续办理需要时间,尽早办理); 美国签证有拒签的风险! |
附件 美国项目英文介绍
Announcing 2-week accelerated Workshops in summer 2018
Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Manning’s Global Entrepreneurship Exchange (GE2) is inviting students and faculty from UMass Lowell’s International Partners to attend 2-week class on Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Lowell, MA
The Course is designed to help students understand the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in today's global economy and to cultivate an entrepreneurial mind-set, will work in inter-disciplinary, multi-cultural environments exploring problem solving techniques, opportunities identification, business concept development and venture planning using standard business model framework and bringing ideas to reality.
The Course will require students to work on real life technological projects and evaluate their commercialization potentials and opportunities. These projects will be sourced from a number of sources, including medical devices start-up ventures from M2D2, New Venture Development within UML’s CVIP, UML’s DifferenceMaker teams, students’ own ideas and other sources. Students will be required to explore opportunities on a global basis, thus will require to apply their own national/regional knowledge. Any venture is built on knowledge in multiple business areas such as engineering, marketing, operations, finance, etc.
The class will consist of about 50% working on real life projects and rest will be specific topic discussions, case studies, exercises, guest entrepreneurs and field visits. Each project team will be of 5 participants with a balance between discipline, nationality and academic level.
A Certificate will be awarded upon the completion of the workshop.
Entrepreneurship topics
Essentials of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Business Model Generation
Lean Launchpad
Customer Discovery and development
Team Building and Leadership
Digital Marketing
Making Presentations
Financing New ventures
Accommodations and Travels
All International participants will stay in a brand new, state-of-the-art Residence Hall, fully equipped with all amenities. The Residence hall is comprised of primarily four- and six-person suites, with plenty of common space in each suite. There are also two huge
Program Fee
$1,800 per participant which includes up to 16 days of accommodation, meals, local transportation (field trips, airport) and weekend events & activities.
Apply Now
Each session will have no more than 60 participants. Apply now!
如果大家想了解更详细和生动的活动内容,可以关注南邮管院分团委微信公众号:nuptgyftw,查看2017年2月20日的历史消息,可以看到详细介绍。 |